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MS Performing Arts Exploration Winterim

Today in the performing arts Winterim, we took a field trip to the Arvada Center to take some pantomime and stage combat classes. As you can see from these photos, we became experts in learning how to do some convincing (fake) slaps, punches, and hair pulls. We also brandished some foam swords and learned the basics of attacking, parrying, and stabbing in our stage combat workshop. After that, we learned how to create illusions onstage through pantomime, the art of interacting with invisible objects convincingly. Finally, after working on the basics and warming up our bodies and faces to be expressive, we split into small groups and pantomimed giving presents to one another that included live rats, disgusting food, and more...all without the aid of props!
Unfortunately, our viewing of the play Our Town was canceled due to the actor's illness, but we made the most of it by returning to campus and watching a filmed version of the play with quite an assortment of snacks! 
We look forward to welcoming playwrights Heather Beasley and Josh Hartwell to campus tomorrow for a playwriting workshop.